This bill is very pro-crypto.

Bob Onder
Republican Congressperson from Missouri, 3
Candidate questionnaire
Notable statements
H.J. Res 25
voted for

Bob Onder
The Left, let by Elizabeth Warren, is at war with digital assets. The US can and must be the leader in this revolutionary technology!…
Very pro-crypto
Quoted from on Apr 24th, 2024
Bob Onder completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. He emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Bob Onder supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.
Somewhat pro-crypto

Bob Onder
@scottfaughn “There are at least three reasons why liberty-loving Americans should be skeptical about the war against decentralized digital assets.”
Very pro-crypto
Quoted from on Feb 6th, 2024
Bob Onder OpEd in The Missouri Times:
"Blockchain is decentralized; there’s no person or organization in charge. It is open source so when changes are made, the public can freely access and track them....First, cryptocurrencies allow people to choose a means of exchange outside traditional government-monopoly money."
Very pro-crypto

Bob Onder
Of course totalitarians like Warren hate cryptocurrencies, because they hate freedom. Governments have used control of money to manipulate the economy for their benefit.…
Very pro-crypto