This bill is very pro-crypto.

Suhas Subramanyam
Democratic Congressperson from Virginia, 10
Candidate questionnaire
Notable statements
Suhas Subramanyam, along with several members of Congress and candidates, urged the Democratic National Committee and prospective presidential candidates to endorse pro-crypto policies. They emphasized the importance of adopting a forward-looking approach to digital assets and blockchain technology, highlighting its potential for American innovation, economic growth, and financial inclusion. Their requests include:
- Including pro-digital asset language in the party platform.
- Selecting a Vice-Presidential candidate knowledgeable in digital asset policy.
- Choosing a pro-innovation SEC Chair.
- Engaging with industry experts for informed policy-making.
Suhas Subramanyam has an option to donate to his campaign with crypto.
Suhas Subramanyam completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. He emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Suhas Subramanyam supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.